Quicksort algorithm and character count

Quicksort algorithm and character count
This C++ console application accepts a string as input and after storing them in a character array, sorts them alphabetically using the quicksort algorithm. It also counts the number of character occurences in the string.
1.  #include <iostream>
3.  using namespace std;
5.  int preProcess(char *, int);
6.  void quickSort(char *, int, int);
7.  int partition(char *, int, int);
8.  void swap(int &, int &);
9.  void specialSort(char *, int, int);
10. void genReport(char *, int);
11. // Checks if the user was planning to quit
12. bool isQuit(char *);
13. const int stringSize = 255;
15. int main()
16. {
17.     char toCheck[stringSize];
18.     // Do while the user doesn't enter ~quit
19.     do
20.     {
21.          cout << "Ready: ";
22.          cin.getline(toCheck, sizeof(toCheck));
24.          // Strip spaces
25.          int newSize = preProcess(toCheck, strlen(toCheck));
27.          // New array with new size
28.          char newToCheck[newSize];
29.          // Loop to fill the new array
30.          for(int n = 0; n < newSize; n++)
31.          {
32.              newToCheck[n] = toCheck[n];
33.          }
34.          newToCheck[newSize] = '\0';
35.          // Check if the user choosed to quit
36.          if(isQuit(newToCheck))
37.          {
38.              return false;
39.          }
41.          // Separate a to z into another array
42.          char alphaLower[newSize];
43.          int n = 0;
44.          for(int i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
45.          {
46.              if((int)newToCheck[i] >= 97 && (int)newToCheck[i] <= 122)
47.              {
48.                  alphaLower[n] = newToCheck[i];
49.                  n++;
50.              }
51.          }
52.          // Copy the new array into a smaller one
53.          char alphaLowerNew[n];
54.          for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
55.          {
56.              alphaLowerNew[i] = alphaLower[i];
57.          }
58.          alphaLowerNew[n] = '\0';
59.          // Sort a to z
60.          quickSort(alphaLowerNew, 97, 122);
62.          // Separate 0 to 9 into another array
63.          char nums[newSize];
64.          n = 0;
65.          for(int i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
66.          {
67.              if((int)newToCheck[i] >= 48 && (int)newToCheck[i] <= 57)
68.              {
69.                  nums[n] = newToCheck[i];
70.                  n++;
71.              }
72.          }
73.          // Copy the new array into a smaller one
74.          char numsNew[n];
75.          for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
76.          {
77.              numsNew[i] = nums[i];
78.          }
79.          numsNew[n] = '\0';
80.          // Sort 0 to 9
81.          quickSort(numsNew, 48, 57);
83.          // Separate A to Z into another array
84.          char alphaUpper[newSize];
85.          n = 0;
86.          for(int i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
87.          {
88.              if((int)newToCheck[i] >= 65 && (int)newToCheck[i] <= 90)
89.              {
90.                  alphaUpper[n] = newToCheck[i];
91.                  n++;
92.              }
93.          }
94.          // Copy the new array into a smaller one
95.          char alphaUpperNew[n];
96.          for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
97.          {
98.              alphaUpperNew[i] = alphaUpper[i];
99.          }
100.         alphaUpperNew[n] = '\0';
101.         // Sort A to Z
102.         quickSort(alphaUpperNew, 65, 90);
104.         // Separate remaining characters into another array
105.         char specialChars[newSize];
106.         n = 0;
107.         for(int i = 0; i < newSize; i++)
108.         {
109.             if((int)newToCheck[i] == 63 || (int)newToCheck[i] == 33 || (int)newToCheck[i] == 44 || (int)newToCheck[i] == 35 || (int)newToCheck[i] == 42 || (int)newToCheck[i] == 46)
110.             {
111.                 specialChars[n] = newToCheck[i];
112.                 n++;
113.             }
114.         }
115.         // Copy the new array into a smaller one
116.         char specialCharsNew[n];
117.         for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
118.         {
119.             specialCharsNew[i] = specialChars[i];
120.         }
121.         specialCharsNew[n] = '\0';
122.         // Sort ?, !, etc
123.         specialSort(specialCharsNew, sizeof(specialCharsNew), 46);
124.         specialSort(specialCharsNew, sizeof(specialCharsNew), 42);
125.         specialSort(specialCharsNew, sizeof(specialCharsNew), 35);
126.         specialSort(specialCharsNew, sizeof(specialCharsNew), 43);
127.         specialSort(specialCharsNew, sizeof(specialCharsNew), 33);
128.         specialSort(specialCharsNew, sizeof(specialCharsNew), 63);
130.         // Count the new size of the final array
131.         int newBigSize = sizeof(specialCharsNew) + sizeof(alphaLowerNew) + sizeof(numsNew) + sizeof(alphaUpperNew);
132.         // Build one array out of the three
133.         char bigArray[newBigSize - 1];
134.         int bigIndex = 0;
135.         for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(alphaLowerNew); i++)
136.         {
137.             bigArray[bigIndex] = alphaLowerNew[i];
138.             bigIndex++;
139.         }
140.         for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(numsNew); i++)
141.         {
142.             bigArray[bigIndex] = numsNew[i];
143.             bigIndex++;
144.         }
145.         for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(alphaUpperNew); i++)
146.         {
147.             bigArray[bigIndex] = alphaUpperNew[i];
148.             bigIndex++;
149.         }
150.         for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(specialCharsNew); i++)
151.         {
152.             bigArray[bigIndex] = specialCharsNew[i];
153.             bigIndex++;
154.         }
155.         bigArray[newBigSize] = '\0';
156.         genReport(bigArray, newBigSize);
157.         cout << "\n\n";
158.    }
159.    while(true);
160.    system("PAUSE");
161.    return 0;
164.void genReport(char* toRep, int size)
166.    int report[256];
167.    // Initialize the array to 0
168.    for(int n = 0; n < 256; n++)
169.    {
170.        report[n] = 0;
171.    }
172.    // Generate the report
173.    for(int n = 0; n < size; n++)
174.    {
175.        report[(int)toRep[n]]++;
176.    }
177.    // Display the report
178.    for(int n = 0; n < 256; n++)
179.    {
180.        if(report[n] > 0)
181.        {
182.             cout << char(n) << ": " << report[n] << "\n";
183.        }
184.    }
187.void specialSort(char* toSort, int size, int charAscii)
189.    char tempValue[1];
190.    int currValue, minIndex, minValue;
191.    for(int n = 0; n < (size - 1); n++)
192.    {
193.        minIndex = n;
194.        minValue = toSort[n];
195.        for(int i = n + 1; i < size; i++)
196.        {
197.            if(toSort[i] == charAscii)
198.            {
199.                 minIndex = i;
200.                 minValue = toSort[i];
201.            }
202.        }
203.        toSort[minIndex] = toSort[n];
204.        toSort[n] = minValue;
205.    }
208.void quickSort(char set[], int start, int end)
210.    char newSet[end];
211.    int pivotPoint;
212.    if (start < end)
213.    {
214.        // Get the pivot point.
215.        pivotPoint = partition(newSet, start, end);
216.        // Sort the first sub list.
217.        quickSort(newSet, start, pivotPoint - 1);
218.        // Sort the second sub list.
219.        quickSort(newSet, pivotPoint + 1, end);
220.    }
223.void swap(int &value1, int &value2)
225.    int temp = value1;
226.    value1 = value2;
227.    value2 = temp;
230.int partition(char set[], int start, int end)
232.    int pivotValue, pivotIndex, mid;
233.    mid = (start + end) / 2;
234.    swap(set[start], set[mid]);
235.    pivotIndex = start;
236.    pivotValue = set[start];
237.    for (int scan = start + 1; scan <= end; scan++)
238.    {
239.        if((set[scan] < pivotValue && ((int)set[scan] >= start && (int)set[scan] <= end)))
240.        {
241.            pivotIndex++;
242.            swap(set[pivotIndex], set[scan]);
243.        }
244.    }
245.    swap(set[start], set[pivotIndex]);
246.    return pivotIndex;
249.bool isQuit(char* phrase)
251.     char quit[6] = "~quit";
252.     // Compare the char array to '~quit'
253.     for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
254.     {
255.         if(phrase[i] != quit[i])
256.         {
257.             return false;
258.         }
259.     }
260.     return true;
264.int preProcess(char* phrase, int size)
266.    int currChar = 0;
267.    // Loop through the original array
268.    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
269.    {
270.         // Only add non-space characters to the new array
271.         if(phrase[i] != ' ')
272.         {
273.              phrase[currChar] = phrase[i];
274.              currChar++;
275.         }
276.    }
277.    // We're out with the new number of chars
278.    return currChar;
Nathan Pakovskie is an esteemed senior developer and educator in the tech community, best known for his contributions to Geekpedia.com. With a passion for coding and a knack for simplifying complex tech concepts, Nathan has authored several popular tutorials on C# programming, ranging from basic operations to advanced coding techniques. His articles, often characterized by clarity and precision, serve as invaluable resources for both novice and experienced programmers. Beyond his technical expertise, Nathan is an advocate for continuous learning and enjoys exploring emerging technologies in AI and software development. When he’s not coding or writing, Nathan engages in mentoring upcoming developers, emphasizing the importance of both technical skills and creative problem-solving in the ever-evolving world of technology. Specialties: C# Programming, Technical Writing, Software Development, AI Technologies, Educational Outreach

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