Array of Street Types and their Abbreviations

A PHP array containing the street types / designations and their canonical form / abbreviation, following the USPS standard.
1.$StreetAbbr =
3.        allee   => "aly",
4.    alley       => "aly",
 5.   ally        => "aly",
6.    anex        => "anx",
7.    annex       => "anx",
8.    annx        => "anx",
9.    arcade      => "arc",
 10.  av          => "ave",
11.   aven        => "ave",
12.    avenu       => "ave",
13.    avenue      => "ave",
14.    avn         => "ave",
 15.   avnue       => "ave",
16.    bayoo       => "byu",
17.    bayou       => "byu",
18.    beach       => "bch",
19.    bend        => "bnd",
 20.   bluf        => "blf",
21.    bluff       => "blf",
22.    bluffs      => "blfs",
23.    bot         => "btm",
24.    bottm       => "btm",
 25.   bottom      => "btm",
26.    boul        => "blvd",
27.    boulevard   => "blvd",
28.    boulv       => "blvd",
29.    branch      => "br",
 30.   brdge       => "brg",
31.    bridge      => "brg",
32.    brnch       => "br",
33.    brook       => "brk",
34.    brooks      => "brks",
 35.   burg        => "bg",
36.    burgs       => "bgs",
37.    bypa        => "byp",
38.    bypas       => "byp",
39.    bypass      => "byp",
 40.   byps        => "byp",
41.    camp        => "cp",
42.    canyn       => "cyn",
43.    canyon      => "cyn",
44.    cape        => "cpe",
 45.   causeway    => "cswy",
46.    causway     => "cswy",
47.    cen         => "ctr",
48.    cent        => "ctr",
49.    center      => "ctr",
 50.   centers     => "ctrs",
51.    centr       => "ctr",
52.    centre      => "ctr",
53.    circ        => "cir",
54.    circl       => "cir",
 55.   circle      => "cir",
56.    circles     => "cirs",
57.    ck          => "crk",
58.    cliff       => "clf",
59.    cliffs      => "clfs",
 60.   club        => "clb",
61.    cmp         => "cp",
62.    cnter       => "ctr",
63.    cntr        => "ctr",
64.    cnyn        => "cyn",
 65.   common      => "cmn",
66.    corner      => "cor",
67.    corners     => "cors",
68.    course      => "crse",
69.    court       => "ct",
 70,   courts      => "cts",
71.    cove        => "cv",
72.    coves       => "cvs",
73.    cr          => "crk",
74.    crcl        => "cir",
 75.   crcle       => "cir",
76.    crecent     => "cres",
77.    creek       => "crk",
78.    crescent    => "cres",
79.    cresent     => "cres",
 80.   crest       => "crst",
81.    crossing    => "xing",
82.    crossroad   => "xrd",
83.    crscnt      => "cres",
84.    crsent      => "cres",
 85.   crsnt       => "cres",
86.    crssing     => "xing",
87.    crssng      => "xing",
88.    crt         => "ct",
89.    curve       => "curv",
 90.   dale        => "dl",
91.    dam         => "dm",
92.    div         => "dv",
93.    divide      => "dv",
94.    driv        => "dr",
 95.   drive       => "dr",
96.    drives      => "drs",
97.    drv         => "dr",
98.    dvd         => "dv",
99.    estate      => "est",
 100.  estates     => "ests",
101.   exp         => "expy",
102.   expr        => "expy",
103.   express     => "expy",
104.   expressway  => "expy",
 105.  expw        => "expy",
106.   extension   => "ext",
107.   extensions  => "exts",
108.   extn        => "ext",
109.   extnsn      => "ext",
 110.  falls       => "fls",
111.   ferry       => "fry",
112.   field       => "fld",
113.   fields      => "flds",
114.   flat        => "flt",
 115.  flats       => "flts",
116.   ford        => "frd",
117.   fords       => "frds",
118.   forest      => "frst",
119.   forests     => "frst",
 120.  forg        => "frg",
121.   forge       => "frg",
122.   forges      => "frgs",
123.   fork        => "frk",
124.   forks       => "frks",
 125.  fort        => "ft",
126.   freeway     => "fwy",
127.   freewy      => "fwy",
128.   frry        => "fry",
129.   frt         => "ft",
 130.  frway       => "fwy",
131.   frwy        => "fwy",
132.   garden      => "gdn",
133.   gardens     => "gdns",
134.   gardn       => "gdn",
 135.  gateway     => "gtwy",
136.   gatewy      => "gtwy",
137.   gatway      => "gtwy",
138.   glen        => "gln",
139.   glens       => "glns",
 140.  grden       => "gdn",
141.   grdn        => "gdn",
142.   grdns       => "gdns",
143.   green       => "grn",
144.   greens      => "grns",
 145.  grov        => "grv",
146.   grove       => "grv",
147.   groves      => "grvs",
148.   gtway       => "gtwy",
149.   harb        => "hbr",
 150.  harbor      => "hbr",
151.   harbors     => "hbrs",
152.   harbr       => "hbr",
153.   haven       => "hvn",
154.   havn        => "hvn",
 155.  height      => "hts",
156.   heights     => "hts",
157.   hgts        => "hts",
158.   highway     => "hwy",
159.   highwy      => "hwy",
 160.  hill        => "hl",
161.   hills       => "hls",
162.   hiway       => "hwy",
163.   hiwy        => "hwy",
164.   hllw        => "holw",
 165.  hollow      => "holw",
166.   hollows     => "holw",
167.   holws       => "holw",
168.   hrbor       => "hbr",
169.   ht          => "hts",
 170.  hway        => "hwy",
171.   inlet       => "inlt",
172.   island      => "is",
173.   islands     => "iss",
174.   isles       => "isle",
 175.  islnd       => "is",
176.   islnds      => "iss",
177.   jction      => "jct",
178.   jctn        => "jct",
179.   jctns       => "jcts",
 180.  junction    => "jct",
181.   junctions   => "jcts",
182.   junctn      => "jct",
183.   juncton     => "jct",
184.   key         => "ky",
 185.  keys        => "kys",
186.   knol        => "knl",
187.   knoll       => "knl",
188.   knolls      => "knls",
189.   la          => "ln",
 190.  lake        => "lk",
191.   lakes       => "lks",
192.   landing     => "lndg",
193.   lane        => "ln",
194.   lanes       => "ln",
 195.  ldge        => "ldg",
196.   light       => "lgt",
197.   lights      => "lgts",
198.   lndng       => "lndg",
199.   loaf        => "lf",
 200.  lock        => "lck",
201.   locks       => "lcks",
202.   lodg        => "ldg",
203.   lodge       => "ldg",
204.   loops       => "loop",
 205.  manor       => "mnr",
206.   manors      => "mnrs",
207.   meadow      => "mdw",
208.   meadows     => "mdws",
209.   medows      => "mdws",
 210.  mill        => "ml",
211.   mills       => "mls",
212.   mission     => "msn",
213.   missn       => "msn",
214.   mnt         => "mt",
 215.  mntain      => "mtn",
216.   mntn        => "mtn",
217.   mntns       => "mtns",
218.   motorway    => "mtwy",
219.   mount       => "mt",
 220.  mountain    => "mtn",
221.   mountains   => "mtns",
222.   mountin     => "mtn",
223.   mssn        => "msn",
224.   mtin        => "mtn",
 225.  neck        => "nck",
226.   orchard     => "orch",
227.   orchrd      => "orch",
228.   overpass    => "opas",
229.   ovl         => "oval",
 230   parks       => "park",
231.   parkway     => "pkwy",
232.   parkways    => "pkwy",
233.   parkwy      => "pkwy",
234.   passage     => "psge",
 235.  paths       => "path",
236.   pikes       => "pike",
237.   pine        => "pne",
238.   pines       => "pnes",
239.   pk          => "park",
 240.  pkway       => "pkwy",
241.   pkwys       => "pkwy",
242.   pky         => "pkwy",
243.   place       => "pl",
244.   plain       => "pln",
 245.  plaines     => "plns",
246.   plains      => "plns",
247.   plaza       => "plz",
248.   plza        => "plz",
249.   point       => "pt",
 250.  points      => "pts",
251.   port        => "prt",
252.   ports       => "prts",
253.   prairie     => "pr",
254.   prarie      => "pr",
 255.  prk         => "park",
256.   prr         => "pr",
257.   rad         => "radl",
258.   radial      => "radl",
259.   radiel      => "radl",
 260.  ranch       => "rnch",
261.   ranches     => "rnch",
262.   rapid       => "rpd",
263.   rapids      => "rpds",
264.   rdge        => "rdg",
 265.  rest        => "rst",
266.   ridge       => "rdg",
267.   ridges      => "rdgs",
268.   river       => "riv",
269.   rivr        => "riv",
 270.  rnchs       => "rnch",
271.   road        => "rd",
272.   roads       => "rds",
273.   route       => "rte",
274.   rvr         => "riv",
 275.  shoal       => "shl",
276.   shoals      => "shls",
277.   shoar       => "shr",
278.   shoars      => "shrs",
279.   shore       => "shr",
 280.  shores      => "shrs",
281.   skyway      => "skwy",
282.   spng        => "spg",
283.   spngs       => "spgs",
284.   spring      => "spg",
 285   springs     => "spgs",
286.   sprng       => "spg",
287.   sprngs      => "spgs",
288.   spurs       => "spur",
289.   sqr         => "sq",
 290.  sqre        => "sq",
291.   sqrs        => "sqs",
292.   squ         => "sq",
293.   square      => "sq",
294.   squares     => "sqs",
 295.  station     => "sta",
296.   statn       => "sta",
297.   stn         => "sta",
298.   str         => "st",
299.   strav       => "stra",
 300.  strave      => "stra",
301.   straven     => "stra",
302.   stravenue   => "stra",
303.   stravn      => "stra",
304.   stream      => "strm",
 305.  street      => "st",
306.   streets     => "sts",
307.   streme      => "strm",
308.   strt        => "st",
309.   strvn       => "stra",
 310.  strvnue     => "stra",
311.   sumit       => "smt",
312.   sumitt      => "smt",
313.   summit      => "smt",
314.   terr        => "ter",
 315.  terrace     => "ter",
316.   throughway  => "trwy",
317.   tpk         => "tpke",
318.   tr          => "trl",
319.   trace       => "trce",
 320.  traces      => "trce",
321.   track       => "trak",
322.   tracks      => "trak",
323.   trafficway  => "trfy",
324.   trail       => "trl",
 325.  trails      => "trl",
326.   trk         => "trak",
327.   trks        => "trak",
328.   trls        => "trl",
329.   trnpk       => "tpke",
 330.  trpk        => "tpke",
331.   tunel       => "tunl",
332.   tunls       => "tunl",
333.   tunnel      => "tunl",
334.   tunnels     => "tunl",
 335.  tunnl       => "tunl",
336.   turnpike    => "tpke",
337.   turnpk      => "tpke",
338.   underpass   => "upas",
339.   union       => "un",
 340.  unions      => "uns",
341.   valley      => "vly",
342.   valleys     => "vlys",
343.   vally       => "vly",
344.   vdct        => "via",
 345.  viadct      => "via",
346.   viaduct     => "via",
347.   view        => "vw",
348.   views       => "vws",
349.   vill        => "vlg",
 350.  villag      => "vlg",
351.   village     => "vlg",
352.   villages    => "vlgs",
353.   ville       => "vl",
354.   villg       => "vlg",
 355.  villiage    => "vlg",
356.   vist        => "vis",
357.   vista       => "vis",
358.   vlly        => "vly",
359.   vst         => "vis",
 360.  vsta        => "vis",
361.   walks       => "walk",
362.   well        => "wl",
363.   wells       => "wls",
364.   wy          => "way"
Nathan Pakovskie is an esteemed senior developer and educator in the tech community, best known for his contributions to With a passion for coding and a knack for simplifying complex tech concepts, Nathan has authored several popular tutorials on C# programming, ranging from basic operations to advanced coding techniques. His articles, often characterized by clarity and precision, serve as invaluable resources for both novice and experienced programmers. Beyond his technical expertise, Nathan is an advocate for continuous learning and enjoys exploring emerging technologies in AI and software development. When he’s not coding or writing, Nathan engages in mentoring upcoming developers, emphasizing the importance of both technical skills and creative problem-solving in the ever-evolving world of technology. Specialties: C# Programming, Technical Writing, Software Development, AI Technologies, Educational Outreach

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