Retrieve PageRank using PHP

Retrieve PageRank using PHP
This PHP code is designed to work on servers running the latest version of PHP as well, unlike most of the code samples on the web which will not work on many servers because of a checksum error.
//PageRank Lookup v1.1 by HM2K (update: 31/01/07)
//based on an alogoritham found here:
//settings - host and user agent
$googleua='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/1.5';
//convert a string to a 32-bit integer
function StrToNum($Str, $Check, $Magic) {
    $Int32Unit = 4294967296;  // 2^32
    $length = strlen($Str);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $Check *= $Magic;      
        //If the float is beyond the boundaries of integer (usually +/- 2.15e+9 = 2^31),
        //  the result of converting to integer is undefined
        //  refer to
        if ($Check >= $Int32Unit) {
            $Check = ($Check - $Int32Unit * (int) ($Check / $Int32Unit));
            //if the check less than -2^31
            $Check = ($Check < -2147483648) ? ($Check + $Int32Unit) : $Check;
        $Check += ord($Str{$i});
    return $Check;
//genearate a hash for a url
function HashURL($String) {
    $Check1 = StrToNum($String, 0x1505, 0x21);
    $Check2 = StrToNum($String, 0, 0x1003F);
    $Check1 >>= 2;      
    $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3FFFFC0 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3F);
    $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3FFC00 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3FF);
    $Check1 = (($Check1 >> 4) & 0x3C000 ) | ($Check1 & 0x3FFF); 
    $T1 = (((($Check1 & 0x3C0) << 4) | ($Check1 & 0x3C)) <<2 ) | ($Check2 & 0xF0F );
    $T2 = (((($Check1 & 0xFFFFC000) << 4) | ($Check1 & 0x3C00)) << 0xA) | ($Check2 & 0xF0F0000 );
    return ($T1 | $T2);
//genearate a checksum for the hash string
function CheckHash($Hashnum) {
    $CheckByte = 0;
    $Flag = 0;
    $HashStr = sprintf('%u', $Hashnum) ;
    $length = strlen($HashStr);
    for ($i = $length - 1;  $i >= 0;  $i --) {
        $Re = $HashStr{$i};
        if (1 === ($Flag % 2)) {              
            $Re += $Re;    
            $Re = (int)($Re / 10) + ($Re % 10);
        $CheckByte += $Re;
        $Flag ++;       
    $CheckByte %= 10;
    if (0 !== $CheckByte) {
        $CheckByte = 10 - $CheckByte;
        if (1 === ($Flag % 2) ) {
            if (1 === ($CheckByte % 2)) {
                $CheckByte += 9;
            $CheckByte >>= 1;
    return '7'.$CheckByte.$HashStr;
//return the pagerank checksum hash
function getch($url) { return CheckHash(HashURL($url)); }
//return the pagerank figure
function getpr($url) {
        global $googlehost,$googleua;
        $ch = getch($url);
        $fp = fsockopen($googlehost, 80, $errno, $errstr, 30);
        if ($fp) {
           $out = "GET /search?client=navclient-auto&ch=$ch&features=Rank&q=info:$url HTTP/1.1\r\n";
           //echo "<pre>$out</pre>\n"; //debug only
           $out .= "User-Agent: $googleua\r\n";
           $out .= "Host: $googlehost\r\n";
           $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
           fwrite($fp, $out);
           //$pagerank = substr(fgets($fp, 128), 4); //debug only
           //echo $pagerank; //debug only
           while (!feof($fp)) {
                        $data = fgets($fp, 128);
                        //echo $data;
                        $pos = strpos($data, "Rank_");
                        if($pos === false){} else{
                                $pr=substr($data, $pos + 9);
                                return $pr;
           //else { echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n"; } //debug only
//generate the graphical pagerank
function pagerank($url,$width=40,$method='style') {
        if (!preg_match('/^(http:\/\/)?([^\/]+)/i', $url)) { $url='http://'.$url; }
        $pagerank="PageRank: $pr/10";
        //The (old) image method
        if ($method == 'image') {
        $html='<img src="" width='.$prpos.' height=4 border=0 alt="'.$pagerank.'"><img src="" width='.$prneg.' height=4 border=0 alt="'.$pagerank.'">';
        //The pre-styled method
        if ($method == 'style') {
        $html='<div style="position: relative; width: '.$width.'px; padding: 0; background: #D9D9D9;"><strong style="width: '.$prpercent.'%; display: block; position: relative; background: #5EAA5E; text-align: center; color: #333; height: 4px; line-height: 4px;"><span></span></strong></div>';
        $out='<a href="'.$url.'" title="'.$pagerank.'">'.$html.'</a>';
        return $out;
//if ((!isset($_POST['url'])) && (!isset($_GET['url']))) { echo '<form action="" method="post"><input name="url" type="text"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Get Pagerank"></form>'; }
if (isset($_REQUEST['url'])) { echo pagerank($_REQUEST['url']); }
Nathan Pakovskie is an esteemed senior developer and educator in the tech community, best known for his contributions to With a passion for coding and a knack for simplifying complex tech concepts, Nathan has authored several popular tutorials on C# programming, ranging from basic operations to advanced coding techniques. His articles, often characterized by clarity and precision, serve as invaluable resources for both novice and experienced programmers. Beyond his technical expertise, Nathan is an advocate for continuous learning and enjoys exploring emerging technologies in AI and software development. When he’s not coding or writing, Nathan engages in mentoring upcoming developers, emphasizing the importance of both technical skills and creative problem-solving in the ever-evolving world of technology. Specialties: C# Programming, Technical Writing, Software Development, AI Technologies, Educational Outreach

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